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Pricer welcomes Linda Pimmeshofer as newest board member

Pricer welcomes Linda Pimmeshofer as newest board member


We are excited to welcome Linda Pimmeshofer as a new member of the board of Pricer. Linda Pimmeshofer has had various business developing positions at Microsoft and runs Change Retail, a consulting company in digitization and retail.

As a well-known AI and digital transformation specialist with a strong technology background, she brings deep industry knowledge to the table.

What made you join Pricer?

As the retail industry changes the demand for smart operations and digital customer experiences increases, I see that Pricer has an interesting position and an interesting journey ahead.

What competence will you bring to the board?

With 20 years in the software industry and the last 10 within retail tech and digital transformation projects within retail, I come with both industry knowledge and tech understanding and a passion for the future of retail both when it comes to customer experience and smart operations.

These are two areas where I see that Pricer can empower even more in the future.

What are your expectations on the market in a few years from now?

I believe that AI will revolutionize the retail industry in many ways. I think we will see more convenient, personal and even automatic shopping experiences, where we have help from our personal shopping assistants powered by AI, to find the food that suits our preferences or the diet our health app suggests.

Connected retail stores equipped to act and support the customer journeys in every touchpoint with relevance and transparency as well as operate with agility and efficiency with store assistants ready to engage and deliver the best customer service. When it comes to the experience shopping, I think we will see experiences at a new dimension.