Nomination Committee
The nomination committee's proposal for a decision on principles for the appointment of a nomination committee for the 2025 annual general meeting.
The nomination committee proposes that the annual general meeting resolve that the nomination committee for the 2025 annual general meeting is appointed mainly in accordance with the following principles.
The chair of the board shall receive a mandate to contact the three largest shareholders in the Company as of the end of the third quarter, and ask them to nominate a representative each who will constitute the nomination committee for the period up until a new nomination committee is appointed according to the mandate from the next annual general meeting. A group of two or more shareholders (shareholder group) who have notified the chair of the board that they wish to participate jointly in the nomination committee’s work will also be considered a shareholder.
If any shareholder or shareholder group waives its right to nominate a representative, the shareholder or shareholder group that is the next largest shareholder of the vote will be offered to nominate a representative. The members of the nomination committee shall be published no later than six months before the annual general meeting.
As soon as a new nomination committee has been appointed in accordance with the above principles, it will replace the previous nomination committee. Shareholders who wish to participate in a shareholder group prior to this process must notify the chair of the board without delay.
If, during the term of the nomination committee, one or more of the shareholders / shareholder groups who have nominated members of the nomination committee is no longer one of the three largest shareholders / shareholder groups in the number of votes, then any member nominated by those shareholders / shareholder groups must make their seats available and the shareholder(s) / shareholder groups which are now one of the three largest shareholders in the number of votes will nominate its representative. If, however, such change occurs later than two months before the annual general meeting or if only marginal changes in the number of votes have taken place, no changes shall take place in the composition of the nomination committee unless there are special reasons.
A shareholder / shareholder group who has nominated a member of the nomination committee is entitled to dismiss such member and nominate a new member. Should a member of the nomination committee resign before the committee’s work is completed, the shareholder / shareholder group who nominated the member will be entitled to nominate a replacement. Changes in the composition of the nomination committee shall be made public on the Company’s website without delay.
The nomination committee shall complete the tasks that pertain to it under the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, which as of the date of this proposal means that it will present the following proposals to the annual general meeting 2025: (a) proposal for board of directors, (b) proposal for auditor, (c) proposal for chairman of the board, (d) proposal for director’s fees to each of the directors and the chair and remuneration for committee work, (e) proposal for remuneration to the auditor, (f) proposal for chairman of the annual general meeting and (g) principles for appointment of the nomination committee.
Shareholders who wish to contact Pricer’s Nomination Committee to submit proposals can contact the Committee at least 7 weeks ahead of the Annual General Meeting by e-mail at or by letter to: Pricer AB, Attention: Valberedningen, Box 215, S-101 24 Stockholm, Sweden.
The shareholders and representatives comprising the Nomination Committee are:
– Göran Sundholm, own holding.
– Giulia Nobili ( Chairman of the Nomination Committee), nominated by Sterling Strategic Value Fund S.A., Luxemburg.
– Marc St John Webb, nominated by Quaero Capital S.A., Switzerland.