• Net sales of SEK 296.2M (202.6), an increase of 46 percent
• Earnings after tax of SEK -35.6M (-30.3)
• Earnings per share of SEK -0.04 (-0.04)
• Orders received SEK 232.6M (252.3)
• Gross margin 20 (20) percent
• Operating result of SEK -32.6M (-36.3), an improvement of 10 percent
• Liquid funds of SEK 27.0M (89.8)
• Pricer acquired the competitor Eldat Communication Ltd, Israel and undertakes a reorganization to realize synergies
• Metro Cash & Carry signed a frame agreement worth about SEK 75M for Pricer’s new ESL generation
Significant events after the end of the period
• Franprix in France signed a contract for Pricer systems worth SEK 6M
Attached files