The Nomination Committee has the following proposal to pass to the Annual General Meeting:
Item 2: Election of Chairman at Annual General Meeting
Gunnar Mattsson, attorney-at-law at Advokatfirman Lindahl, is nominated to be the chairman at the Annual General Meeting
Item 10: Determination of fees to be paid to the Board of Directors and Auditors
Fees to the Board, until after the next Annual General Meeting, are proposed to amount to the following:
Total fees to amount to SEK 1,525,000 allocated as follows: The Chairman receives a fee of SEK 450,000, the Vice Chairman SEK 275,000 and other Board members SEK 200,000 each. This is an increase over last year from a total SEK 800,000. Fees or remuneration for committee work or work on the nomination committee is not proposed. Expenses for the work on the nomination committee, however, are paid for by the company. Fees to the company Auditors are proposed to amount to approved invoices.
Item 11: Election of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors should consist of six members. Reelection is proposed for Daniel Furman, Magnus Schmidt and Akbar Seddigh. As new Board members Michael Bragd, Bo Kastensson and Peter Larsson are proposed. Elie Barr and Jan Forssjö have declined reelection. Akbar Seddigh is proposed as Chairman of the Board.
Mikael Bragd, born 1962, holds a BA-degree in Marketing and Finance from Stockholm School of Economics and is since 2005 Senior Vice President and Head of Electrolux North. Mikael Bragd has also worked in Speed Ventures, Duni, Pepsi Cola and Procter & Gamble.
Bo Kastensson, born 1951, holds a BA-degree from University of Lund. Bo Kastensson is chairman of Coromatic Group AB, Caretech AB and Doro AB and he has previously worked in Bewator, Sensistor and Metric among other companies.
Peter Larsson, born 1964, holds a BS-degree in computer and system science from University of Stockholm. Peter Larsson is since 2006 CEO of EPiServer AB and has previously worked in Protect Data, Pointsec and Ericsson among other companies.
Item 12: Election of auditor
Reelection of KPMG Bohlins AB.
For further information, please contact:
Salvatore Grimaldi, Chairman of the Nomination Committee of Pricer AB: +46 8 505 582 00
Pricer provides the retail industry's leading electronic display and Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) platform, solutions, and services for intelligently communicating, managing, and optimizing product information on the shop floor. The platform is based on a two-way communication protocol to ensure a complete traceability and management of resources. The Pricer system significantly improves consumer benefit and store productivity.
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