The Nomination Committee has the following proposal to pass to the Annual General Meeting:
Item 10: Determination of fees to be paid to the Board of Directors and Auditors
Fees to the Board are proposed, until after the next Annual General Meeting, to amount to the following:
The Chairman obtains a fee of SEK 400,000, vice Chairman SEK 200,000 and other Board members elected by the shareholders meeting SEK 100,000 each. Fees or remuneration for committee work or work on the nomination committee is not envisaged. Expenses for the work on the nomination committee, however, are paid for by the company. Fees to the company Auditors are proposed to amount to approved invoices.
Item 11: Election of the Board of Directors
Reelection is proposed for Elie Barr, Jan Forssjö, Daniel Furman and Akbar Seddigh. As new Board members Sverker Caremark and Magnus Schmidt are proposed. Salvatore Grimaldi, Göran Lindén and Michael S. Juuhl have after nine and three years respectively on the Board declined reelection. Akbar Seddigh is proposed as Chairman and Magnus Schmidt as vice Chairman of the Board.
Mr Akbar Seddigh was elected as a new member of the Board of Pricer at the extraordinary shareholders meeting on March 14th, 2007. Akbar Seddigh is Chairman of the Board of Elekta AB, Hedson Technologies AB, Mentice AB and Ortivus AB, and member of the Boards of, among others, Affärsstrategerna AB, Biolight International AB and Tobii Technology AB.
Sverker Carnemark, born 1967, holds a BSBA-degree and is since 2005 CFO of Reitanservicehandel AB, a franchisor in Sweden for store concepts under the brand of 7-Eleven and Pressbyrån.
Magnus Schmidt, born 1940, holds a BA-degree and works since many years as an international consultant. Magnus is currently member of the Board of among others, Einar Matsson AB, Elekta AB, E.ON Trading Nordic AB, and Upplands Motor Holding AB.
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