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Press release from Pricer AB’s Annual General Meeting 2017


At Pricer AB’s (publ) annual general meeting on April 27, 2017, the following was resolved: · to adopt the income statement and the balance sheet, and t...

At Pricer AB’s (publ) annual general meeting on April 27, 2017, the following was resolved:

  • to adopt the income statement and the balance sheet, and the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet
  • to distribute the funds at the annual general meeting’s disposal so that SEK 55,021,237 is paid as dividend (equal SEK 0.50 per share) and the remainder of SEK 313,272,840 is carried forward
  • to grant discharge from liability for the members of the board of directors and the CEOs
  • that the board of directors shall consist of six (6) members
  • to re-elect Bo Kastensson, Hans Granberg, Bernt Ingman, Olof Sand and Jenni Virnes, and to elect Jonas Guldstrand, as members of the board until the time of the end of the next annual general meeting. Christina Åqvist has declined re-election. Bo Kastensson was re-elected as chairman of the board
  • that remuneration to the board, until the time of the end of the next annual general meeting, will be SEK 495,000 for the chairman and SEK 220,000 for other members not employed by the company
  • to re-elect the auditing firm Ernst & Young AB as auditors until the time of the end of the next annual general meeting
  • that fees to the auditors, for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting, shall be paid in accordance with invoicing approved by the company
  • to adopt the nomination committee’s proposal of principles for formation of nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2018
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding remuneration guidelines for the group management
  • to adopt a new incentive program in the form of a share savings plan comprising certain members of the management whereby the participants following an investment in B shares will receive a matching share award and a performance share award per invested B share. The share awards will, following the vesting period of three years, entitle the participants to receive one matching share and up to five performance shares depending on the outcome of the performance condition. In total, the program is estimated to comprise not more than 274,000 B shares
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding authorisation to issue new shares
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding authorisation to resolve on acquisition and transfer of the company’s own shares

Complete proposals pertaining to the annual general meeting's resolutions above are available on Pricer’s website,

For more information, please contact:
Andreas Renulf, CEO, Pricer AB, +46 8 505 582 00
Helena Holmgren, CFO, Pricer AB, +46 70 287 00 68

This information is information that Pricer AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:30 CET on April 28, 2017.  

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