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Annual General Meeting held on May 9, 2007


The Annual General Meeting of Pricer AB (publ) was held on May 9th, 2007. The following major decisions were made: Voting list The voting list was appr...

The Annual General Meeting of Pricer AB (publ) was held on May 9th, 2007. The following major decisions were made:

Voting list
The voting list was approved and 40 percent of total number of votes were present through 43 shareholders.

Election of Board of Directors
The meeting decided to re-elect Elie Barr, Jan Forssjö, Daniel Furman and Akbar Seddigh. Magnus Schmidt was elected new member of the Board. Salvatore Grimaldi, Göran Lindén and Michael S. Juuhl had after nine and three years respectively on the Board declined re-election. Akbar Seddigh was appointed Chairman and Magnus Schmidt as vice Chairman of the Board.

Magnus Schmidt, born 1940, holds a BA-degree and works since many years as an international consultant. Magnus is currently member of the Board of among others, Einar Matsson AB, Elekta AB, E.ON Trading Nordic AB, and Upplands Motor Holding AB and Chairman of the Board in Einar Matsson AB and Upplands Motor Holding AB.

Formation and duties of the Nomination Committee
The meeting decided to adopt the proposal regarding the Nomination Committee’s composition and duties. It was, however, decided to add one more member to the Committee to be independent and represent the small shareholders of Pricer. The Committee then consists of the chairman of the Board, one representative each of the three largest shareholders and the member mentioned above.

Decision on principles for remuneration to senior executives
The Shareholders decided to adopt the recommendation of the Board regarding principles for remuneration to senior executives with minor changes.

Authorisation to the Board to issue shares
The meeting decided to authorise the Board of Directors, on one of more occasions during the period before the next AGM, to decide on the issuance of no more than 50,000,000 new shares of class B. The Board shall have the right to decide on the issuance of shares in exclusion of the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, with or without non-cash consideration.

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